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Get collection status

Returns the collection object

Path Parameters
  • id string required

Successful operation

  • id string

    Unique collection identifier. You will need this in order to mint NFTs

  • name string

    Name of the NFT collection

  • description string

    Text description of the NFT which will be seen on NFT marketplaces

  • symbol string

    Symbol of the NFT collection

  • ownerAddress string

    The contract owner address. If you wish to own the contract, then set it as your wallet address

  • maxSupply integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    The maximum number of NFTs that can be minted in this collection. If not set the collection will have unlimited tokens

  • royaltiesShare integer

    Possible values: <= 10000

    Secondary market royalty rate in basis points (100 bps = 1%)

  • royaltiesAddress string

    Address for royalties. This defaults to ownerAddress

  • chain string

    Possible values: [polygon]

    Default value: polygon

    The blockchain where the Collection smart contract is deployed

  • createdOn date-time

    The date and time when the object was created.

  • transactionHash string

    Deploy transaction hash which is a unique string of characters that is given to every transaction that is added to the blockchain

  • contractAddress string

    NFT contract address which has been successfully deployed to the blockchain

  • explorerUrl string

    Transaction URL in an external blockchain explorer
