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Get NFTs balance

Returns a paginated list of all NFTs owned by a given wallet

Path Parameters
  • walletAddress string required

    The address of the wallet on the blockchain.

  • chain string required

    Possible values: [polygon]

    The blockchain network. Currently, only 'polygon' is supported.

Query Parameters
  • pageSize number

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 100

    Default value: 50

    The number of items to return per page in the results list.

  • pageKey string

    An optional key used for pagination.


Successful operation

  • total number

    Total number of items

  • pageSize number

    Number of items per page in the results list

  • nextPageKey string

    Key to the next page of results. This will be null if there are no more results.

  • nextPageUrl string

    URL to the next page of results. This will be null if there are no more results.

  • results object[]

    Array containing the NFTs owned by the wallet

  • tokenId string

    The unique identifier of the NFT.

  • name string

    The name of the NFT.

  • description string

    A brief description of the NFT.

  • imageUrl string

    The URL of the NFT image.

  • imageThumbnailUrl string

    The URL of the NFT image thumbnail.

  • attributes object[]

    An array of trait attributes associated with the NFT.

  • traitType string

    The type of trait for the NFT attribute.

  • value string

    The value of the trait, which can be a string or number.

  • maxValue number

    The maximum possible value for the trait, if applicable.

  • displayType string

    The type of UI component used to display this trait, if applicable.

  • contract object

    The contract information related to the NFT.

  • name string

    The name of the NFT contract.

  • description string

    A brief description of the NFT contract.

  • address string

    The address of the NFT contract on the blockchain.

  • symbol string

    The ticker symbol of the NFT contract.

  • totalSupply string

    The total supply of NFTs in this contract.

  • type string

    Possible values: [ERC721, ERC1155]

    The type or category of the NFT.
