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Gas Tank Feature

Welcome to the Gas Tank section of the Toket API. The Gas Tank is a revolutionary tool designed to enhance the user experience on the blockchain.

What is the Gas Tank?

The Gas Tank is a dedicated blockchain account where tokens can be deposited to cover the gas fees for users' transactions. With this feature, you can shield your users from the often prohibitive costs of transacting on the blockchain. Whether it's minting NFTs or transferring them between wallets, the Gas Tank ensures that your users can focus on the experience rather than the costs.

How to Use?

  1. Deposit tokens into the Gas Tank.
  2. Monitor the balance and ensure it remains sufficiently funded.
  3. Enable transactions without worrying about gas fees.

This feature is in closed beta at the moment. To request access to it please email us at

Dive deeper into the subsequent sections to understand the intricacies of the Gas Tank and how to integrate it effectively into your application.