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Get NFT status

Returns the minted NFT object

Path Parameters
  • id string required

    Unique mint operation identifier


Successful operation

  • id string

    Unique mint operation identifier. You can use this to retrieve the status of a given NFT

  • collectionId string

    Unique collection identifier

  • name string

    Name of the NFT token. It defaults to the Collection Name

  • description string

    Text description of the NFT which will be seen on NFT marketplaces. It defaults to the Collection description

  • imageUrl string

    URL that points to the image for this NFT

  • mintToAddress string

    Account address where the NFT will be sent. For example, your Metamask wallet address if you wish to send it to yourself

  • attributes object[]

    Optional list of NFT attributes

  • traitType string

    Trait name

  • value object

    String or numeric value of the attribute

  • maxValue integer

    Maximum value for a numeric value

  • displayType string

    Possible values: [boost_number, boost_percentage, number, date]

    Display type of the attribute (None for string values)

  • createdOn date-time

    The date and time when the object was created.

  • transactionHash string

    Mint transaction hash which is a unique string of characters that is given to every transaction that is added to the blockchain

  • tokenId string

    Unique on chain NFT identifier

  • contractAddress string

    NFT contract address which has been successfully deployed to the blockchain

  • explorerUrl string

    Transaction URL in an external blockchain explorer
